Does Clarksville exist?

Thursday, February 23 2023

Does Clarksville exist?

By Chris P
Thursday, February 23 2023

Image Credit: Above-Us

A new study has found that Clarksville, Tennessee is actually just a figment of everyone's imagination.

The study, conducted by a team of psychologists at the University of Tennessee, analyzed data from thousands of residents and visitors to the city. They found that the city only exists in people's minds and is not a physical location.

Lead researcher Dr. John Smith explained the findings, saying, "Our study found that when people think they're going to Clarksville, they're actually just entering a dreamlike state. They're not physically going anywhere, but rather experiencing a shared hallucination."

Map of Clarksville, TN

Image Credit:

The news has come as a shock to many residents, who thought they had been living in a real city all along. “I can't believe it," said local resident Mary Hyrenglyphor. "I thought I was going to work every day and living my life, but now I find out that it's all just a dream? It's surreal."

The study has also sparked confusion among visitors who thought they had been visiting a real city.

"I thought I had been to Clarksville before, but now I'm not so sure," said tourist Phil Hanover. "Was it all just in my head?"

Despite the shocking findings, city officials have assured residents that they will continue to operate as usual. Mayor Joe Clarksburger released a statement saying, "We may not be a physical city, but we're a community of people who care about each other and work together to make our shared hallucination the best it can be.

The news has also led to a surge of interest in the field of psychology, with many people now questioning the nature of reality and the power of the human mind.

Event at the Clarksville Downtown Commons

Image Credit: Above-Us

As for what this means for the future of Clarksville, only time will tell. For now, residents and visitors alike will continue to experience the city in their minds and may never know whether it truly exists or not.

By Chris P
Thursday, February 23 2023