ClarksburgNow takes the day off

Wednesday, April 5 2023

ClarksburgNow takes the day off

By Chris P
Wednesday, April 5 2023

Image Credit: John Guccione - Pexels

The ClarksburgNow staff have announced that they will not be publishing an article today, and that they want to enjoy the stormy weather that has hit the area.

"Our small team has been working so hard lately, constantly churning out new articles and updates for our readers" said Chief Editor Chris P. "We figured it was time to take a day off and enjoy the rain and wind."

The announcement was met with mixed reactions from the community. Some praised the staff for embracing a shorter work week, while others were disappointed that they wouldn't be able to read their daily dose of local news. Another news outlet even managed to capitalize on the situation.

"We're not taking the day off" said a similarly named news outlet that asked to remain anonymous. "We're going to keep working hard and delivering quality news to our readers. If ClarksburgNow wants to slack off, that's their prerogative."

But for the staff of ClarksburgNow, the day off was a much-needed break from the stress and pressure of the job. "I already feel like a new person" said editor Patricia W. "Sometimes you just need to take a step back and enjoy the little things in life - like a good cup of coffee and a cozy blanket on a rainy day."

As the storms developed throughout the day, the offices of ClarksburgNow saw only peace and quiet.

"We'll be back to our regular schedule on Monday." said Patricia.

By Chris P
Wednesday, April 5 2023