Student Shocked to Learn That Not Everyone in Tennessee Is Related

Tuesday, April 18 2023

Student Shocked to Learn That Not Everyone in Tennessee Is Related

By Chris P
Tuesday, April 18 2023

Image Credit: ClarksburgNow

A local high school student, Billy-Joe Bob, was stunned to learn that not everyone in Tennessee is related to each other in his geography class this week.

Billy-Joe, a junior at Clarksville High School, has spent his entire life surrounded by family members and distant relatives. Growing up, he assumed that everyone in the state was connected in some way or another. It wasn't until his geography class that he learned the truth.

"I couldn't believe it," Billy-Joe said in an exclusive interview with our reporter. "I always thought that if I went to any part of Tennessee, I'd find a cousin or something. But my teacher told me that people in Nashville and Memphis aren't related to us at all. It's like a whole different world out there!"

The news has been a shock to Billy-Joe's family, who have always prided themselves on their deep roots in Tennessee. "We've been here for generations," Billy-Joe's grandmother said. "It's hard to believe that there are people out there who aren't related to us. What do they even do?"

Billy-Joe's parents are also struggling to come to terms with the news. "We've always taught our kids to stick with family," Billy-Joe's father said. "Now we're not sure what to tell them. Do we let them associate with non-relatives? It's a tough call."

Despite the initial shock, Billy-Joe is determined to learn more about this strange new world outside of his family tree. He's even considering taking a trip to Nashville to see what it's like.

"I'm a little scared, to be honest," Billy-Joe admitted. "But I want to see what life is like for these non-related people. Maybe they have something to teach us. Maybe they have better food or something."

High school class gathers around a map

Image Credit: ClarksburgNow

Billy-Joe's friends at school have been supportive of his newfound curiosity. "I think it's cool that Billy-Joe wants to explore new things," said his best friend, Cletus. "But I don't think I could ever leave my family like that. I mean, who else is gonna help me fix my truck?"

Meanwhile, Billy-Joe's geography teacher is pleased that his lesson had such a profound impact. "I'm always happy when my students learn something new," he said. "But I never expected this kind of reaction. Maybe I should teach them about other states too. Who knows what kind of crazy ideas they might get?"

As for Billy-Joe, he's excited to explore this brave new world of non-related people. "I'm gonna go to Nashville and see what happens," he said. "Who knows? Maybe I'll find a girlfriend who's not my cousin. That would be pretty wild, huh?"

By Chris P
Tuesday, April 18 2023